We help build your dream home, on budget and on time!

We trust the best mortgage experts in Canada

Our all-in-one financial center excels from beginning to end.

Speak with RateShop's mortgage advisors to get an unbiased mortgage solutions:

  • Get an Unbiased Choice of lender

  • Program and rate that suits your personal needs

  • Dedicated Advisor from start to finish

  • Unmatched Technology and convenience

Want to start with a pre-approval or just a Budget, work with one of their licensed Advisors to get the best mortgage options!

Kris Vreck - Mortgage Agent

Gabi Mihajlovic - Mortgage Broker

Chris Yu - Mortgage Agent

Our all-in-one financial center excels from beginning to end.

RateShop Inc. is a Mortgage Brokerage offering lowest mortgage rates to Canadians. We are provincially licensed in the following provinces: Mortgage Brokerage Ontario FSRA #12733, British Columbia BCFSA #MB600776, Alberta RECA #00523056P, Saskatchewan FCAA #00511126, PEI #160622, Manitoba FIRB #10139499, New Brunswick FCNB #88426, Newfoundland/Labrador, Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories. Our Quebec Mortgage Transactions are serviced by Orbis Mortgage Group AMF# 181136.

Nationwide Lending Partners

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